We like to call commissions, “ Putting on the Jewelry”. After all else has been envisioned and designed, commissioned pieces are the final details that make an environment sparkle. It allows you to personify your true voice within your environment. Unique and personal, each of Russ’ custom creations set a high mark of design integrity. Listening to your input and ideas, filtered through his creative process until Absolute has been created.


Circle Chair

Lizbeth Chair
A Small Story
My twin sons 6th grade project was to be in groups of three kids and make an item from ancient Greek history. A boat, a structure, or an article of clothing. It had to be to scale. Parents got to participate. They had 6 weeks to complete their project. We cleared off our dining table and twice a week they worked as a team of three for 3 or 4 hours.
We found a photo of a Trireme- Ancient warship- with more than 200 rowers. I taught them to do a scale drawing. I then did an exploded view of the boat and made over 200 pieces for them to construct by hand. I didn’t help them in any way build the vessel. I only offered guidance and suggestions. We bought skewers and Popsicle sticks for all of the oars.
I taught them to think critically, how to make changes and shortcuts, glue, tape, paint, sew, solder, cut Copper and wood.
We finished the Trireme 3 days before the due date and made a plinth. They painted the Trireme gilded nameplate. We tested it in the bathtub and it floated at the correct waterline.
When we presented the project there were several gasps from other parents, and many oohs and aahs from other classmates. Every other team that had created a Trireme had made them from a milk carton, food serving tray and a piece of styrofoam.
Parents protested that it was too professional. The boys classmate that built it with them, verified that they had done every aspect of building the Trireme.
The next year parents weren’t allowed to participate in school projects. And theirs was put on display in the lobby of the library for the rest of the school year.
Caveat: I was a professional model builder as a child… Russ


Speaker Stands

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